Here are a few tools to begin exploring this new ingredient.
GrowNYC Grains – Head here for all kinds of fresh flour & malt facts and inspiration. GrowNYC Grains was and is a key player in establishing a grainshed in the Northeast. If you want one place to burrow for regional grain resources, from fact sheets to videos and purchasing opps, this is your spot.
New American Stone Mills – These are the mills fueling a revolution in grains around the world. Whenever I travel, I look here for places I want to visit.
Thousand Bites of Bread – My friend Adrian has lots of information for all your baking and milling curiosities. If you’ve got questions about what bakeries to visit, and home milling, head over to her site.
Wordloaf – Andrew Janjigian hosts a super fun bread newsletter with loads of instructions and recipes. Not strictly fresh flour but too good not to mention!
Milling Books
If most of these texts seem ancient, that’s because info on milling disappeared as mills disappeared from communities, about 100-150 years ago. You can look for these titles digitized online, and many are reprinted and available through Abe Books, which is an online portal for independently run used bookstores.
Report on Vienna Bread – Eben Norton Horsford
Wheat Flour Milling – Elieser S. Posner and Arthur N. HIbbs
The Young Mill-Wright and Millers Guide – Oliver Evans
Grist and Flour Mills in Ontario – F. Leung
Wheat and the Flour Mill, a Handbook for Practical Flour Millers – E. Bradfield
Flour Lab – Adam Leonti
Watermills and Stoneground Flour Milling – Nigel S. Harris
Mill City: A Visual History of Minneapolis Milling District
Practical Milling – B.W. Dedrick
Flour for Man’s Bread – Storck & Teague
Eastern Washington’s Vanishing Gristmills and the Men Who Ran Them
Flour Milling in Washington State